News and Events
Check out what is going on at the church. This is where we announce special events and regular, monthly stuff too.
Calvary Chapel Distinctives: Join us on Wednesday nights to learn the major teachings of the Calvary Chapel movement. Begins July 6th at 6:30 pm. Child care provided. Sign up at the church, or email us using the contact form on the website.
Monthly Semi-Regulars
First Sunday:
- Communion at the 10am service
- Church Luncheon (Potluck) after the morning worship service
- Prayer & Praise at 6:30pm
Second and Fourth Sunday
- Men’s Fellowship and Study – 6:30pm
- Midweek Study-- 6:30pm
3rd Saturday
- Workday at the church – 9:00am
- Pizza lunch served for all volunteer workers
2nd & 4th Friday
- Foodbank Friday (Setup at 3:00pm and distribution at 4:00pm)