Calvary Chapel of Garden Valley
CCGV is an affiliate of
Calvary Chapel Outreach Fellowships.
We welcome you to worship with us. We seek to promote unity among all Christ followers, believing that this reflects the kind of Church pictured for us in Revelation 7:9.
After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.
At CCGV, we long for people to be in relationship with their Creator, to know and understand the unconditional love of God. The Bible is our primary source for understanding the heart of God, therefore we put great emphasis on studying and understanding what it says. We approach God and his Word through prayer, study, worship, service, and fellowship.
An Invitation From Our Pastor:
I want to thank you for visiting our website and invite you to come worship God and study His Word together with us. Our church focuses on the four things in Acts 2:42 which define a New Testament church, "They continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."My hope is that you will find here an informal and non-traditional atmosphere where people are dedicated to knowing Jesus and making Him known. It is in that process our lives are transformed into the image of Christ by the glory of God (2Cor. 3:18). It is in that transformation of our lives that His desires and plans becomes ours.
So then the Great Commission becomes our goal and desire
May God richly bless you and yours as you enjoy our beautiful Garden Valley. I hope you will decide to join us as we seek God to accomplish His purposes in us.
782 S. Middle Fork Rd.
Garden Valley, ID 83622
Phone: (208) 462-5035
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am
There are beliefs that are essential to the Christian faith. These beliefs define what it means to be a Christian, binding us together despite our differences.
We believe in:
1) The unique divine inspiration, entire trustworthiness, and authority of the Bible (II Tim. 3:16,7)
God's Word as revealed in the Bible is the final authority for what we believe and how we live. We believe that God's message of hope and salvation is based on the truth revealed in Scripture.
2) The deity and Lordship of Jesus Christ and His place in the Trinity (1 John 5:7-8; Matthew 1:23 & Is. 7:14; Col. 1:15-20)
In Scripture, the one Creator-God manifests Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Trinity. Jesus was born of a virgin; and although He was fully human, He was also fully divine. He was and is God the Son, yet He took on human flesh, so that we might know God’s character and plan for this world. Although He was human in every way, Jesus never ceased to be God.
3) The necessity and efficacy of the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ for the redemption of the world, and the historic fact of His bodily resurrection (Heb. 10:10; 1 Cor. 15:3-5)
Christ's death on the cross was the one complete and lasting act that turned aside God's judgment for our sins. This is the overwhelming grace of God for those who confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior; there is forgiveness and reconciliation for the broken relationship between God and man laid out in Genesis 3. Jesus' resurrection defeated the power of sin and death, and testified both to His power and identity as God's Son.
4) The presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration (Titus 3:4-6)
To fully enjoy God's saving work in our lives, we rely on the Holy Spirit to convict people of their sin and give them the desire to pursue holiness in Christ. The Holy Spirit comforts us, encourages us, instructs us, and convicts our hearts with God's truth.
5) The expectation of the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 22:12)
We believe in the promise of Christ's return, when He will come to judge the living and the dead. Until then, we live in anticipation of it, striving to live lives marked by righteousness, witness, and faithfulness to God.
Calvary Chapel - (208)462-5035
Pastor Ernest Updike - (208)462-6064
782 S Middlefork Rd,
Garden Valley, ID 83622
PO Box 408